F001 EP Multipurpose Lubricating Grease:
Universal lubrication of plain, spherical and roller bearings for installations, equipment and vehicles. Contains highly effective EP additives and has good adhesion and corrosion protection. Optimal performance of lubrication even under extreme conditions. Operating temperature from -30°C to 120°C.
F002 High temperature grease:
From -30°C to 150°C / 170°C in the short term. Grease special for a wide temperature range. Suitable for heavily loaded bearings, gaskets, hinges and guides. Long-term properties, water and steam resistant, alkaline and acid water resistant.
F110 Multipurpose Bio EP Grease:
Based on synthetic lithium/calcium esters EP is a multipurpose grease with high power biodegradable. Suitable for plain and roller bearings and other general grease lubrication points in construction and agricultural machinery as well as manufacturing and industrial facilities. It should be used especially when there is a risk of environmental pollution due to loss of lubricant.
O001 ISO VG 10 spindle oil:
High-speed oil for lubricating spindle bearings in machine tools and precision machines in the textile industry.
F003 Multipurpose Lubricant Grease + MoS2:
Normal and heavy wheel and roller bearings, even in dusty and wet conditions. Emergency lubrication properties with MoS2 solid lubricant.
O004 ISO VG 68 multipurpose oil:
General lubrication of chains, cables, linear guides, bearings and gears. Adhering to metal surface.
F004 High temperature grease + M0S2:
High load single and roller bearings, wide temperature application range, long-life and emergency lubrication characteristics, resistant to aggressive media.
O015 ISO VG 320 adhesive oil:
Special adhesive oil with anti-splash properties to prevent blasting with rapid rotation and vibration. Lubrication of chains, ropes and guides.
F006 EP Gear Grease:
For lubrication of gears and linear guides. Good pumping capacity. Suitable for extension lines to hard-to-reach lubrication points.
O015 ISO VG 220 adhesive oil:
Special adhesive oil com medium viscosity, for loss of lubrication. Does not spill with rapid rotation or vibration. It serves to lubricate chains, ropes and guides.
F100 NSF-H1 Food Grade Grease:
High performance synthetic grease for the food industry e pharmaceutical. Universally applicable, high power reserves at -40°C to +180°C.
O100 High performance oil ISO VG 220:
Synthetic chain and rope lubricant with high performance reserves even at high temperatures, adherent. Use in ovens, automated warehouses, car washes, paint lines, dryers, etc.